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Die for in a sentence

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Sentence count:93+3Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reliefin briefbrieflydieadieudie outdie awaycarpe diem
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31. We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it. Che Guevara 
32. I could die for you. But I couldn't, and wouldn't, live for you. Ayn Rand 
33. And even so, she deserved to die for attempted treason.
34. I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong. Bertrand Russell 
35. There is nothing there but death, the chance to die for a land that is not even my own.
36. They had made some good choices with the kitchen decor, and the hardwood flooring was to die for.
37. In contrast, if a married woman were unfaithful to her husband she might have to die for Izzat to be restored.
38. Cowboys football changed from something you glanced at between nine-ball shots to something to die for.
39. Drug abuse is a suicidal act. Men dig their own graves by being addicted to the deadly pleasures of psychedelic drugs. The drug addict lives to die for ecstasy and hallucination, and they cannot avoid a horrible fate. Dr T.P.Chia 
40. There are women who have silver hair to die for, great metallic masses of it.
41. This paper introduced forming die for lock washer.
42. James Bond: Well, there's a name to die for.
43. He may die for all I care.
44. One day they were the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, the epitome of everything good, willing to die for their Church, their pope, their God.
45. It would be just a short time later that Jesus would go to the cross to die for our sin, and three days after He would rise from the dead.
46. This is what we do and who we are, live for northing but die for something, your call.
47. Instead, it was a Murdoch who did the knocking down that morning, albeit a Murdoch with rangy legs, lustrous black hair, and cheekbones to die for.
48. I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and truce. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.
49. The structure, process of work, essential of design and making of one kind of precision cutting die for two-piece on punch press were introduced. Then a practical die structure was given.
50. The key points in designing a two operating position punching and trimming die for shaping an automotive little leaf spring were discussed.
51. The characteristics and instruction of part like slot wedge in micro motor are analyzed at first, and the principle about the CAD of cold extrusion die for slot wedge is discussed.
52. This article presents design of lateral bending die for sheet metal parts and their forming simulation.
53. The structure and working principle of the turn-cutting die for the tube-shaped parts is introduced.
54. As the die adopts some unique design, it also can be used for reference when design hydraulic forging die for similar parts.
55. At least two people in the world love you so mach, they would die for you.
56. The application of the rotational graded wedge mechanism in a flanging die for the shell plate metal sheets greatly raises the production efficiency.
57. There was vertical flash on inner hole of forging by the forge die for blank of helical bevel gear. It is difficult to remove the flash and machine procedures follow-up.
58. This article introduced several problems in the design of punching die for electronic watch champed plate. Provided several select methods of design
59. Finally, the die for reverse drawing was designed, which can realize the stamping forming of medicine box.
60. A kind of mechanically operated coining die for ring type P/M bearings and calculating table for its design have been described.
More similar words: reliefin briefbrieflydieadieudie outdie awaycarpe diemingredientbeforereformcome forcare formake fortake forsave forcome forthcome beforesettle forlong beforebefore longstruggle forcompensate forin exchange forbe responsible for
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